(813) 123 4567 Available Now!

Q: How long does the process take?
Answer: Just a few minutes to answer some medical questions, a few minutes for the affiliated medical provider to review your file, and the consultation time, (typically less than 15 min)… Depending on Medical provider availability, most providers connect with patients typically in just minutes and up to 2 hour during peak times. Please remember, the provider may try to reach you from a unknown or blocked number.

Q: How soon will I receive my prescription?
Answer: All prescriptions are instantly e-prescribed to the pharmacy of your choice. Fill times will vary depending on your pharmacy.

Q: Is it legal to prescribe online medication
Answer: Yes. Every medication prescribed by Lux MD affiliated medical providers is licensed to treat in your state and is mandated to comply with all telemedicine state laws.

Q: Does Lux MD replace my Primary Care Physician (PCP)?
Answer: Lux MD affiliated medical providers are a complement to, not a replacement of, your Primary Care Physician (PCP). It is important to keep all your medical providers informed, involved and up to date on your healthcare treatments and medications.

Q: Is a video chat required?
Answer: Depending of the state you reside, a live video chat with one of Lux MD’s affiliated medical providers can take place using your smart phone, tablet, laptop, or desktop computer.

Q: Does my health insurance cover this?
Answer: Lux MD’s can provide a receipt you can submit for reimbursement, not all plan offer coverage for these types of service, and you should consider this a out of pocket expense.